Blackwater Review
There are presently no open calls for submissions.
Any student enrolled in an NWF State College course for credit at the time of submission is eligible to enter.
A student may submit up to 7 entries total in any writing category and up to 5 visual art entries.
All writing submissions must be in Word (.doc, .docx) or Rich Text (.rtf) format. Please single-space your work and use 12 pt. Times New Roman font. See instructions for visual art and misc./mixed-genre writing in those categories.
Each document must contain only one piece. (Save each piece in a separate file and submit separately.)
Do not include your name or any other identifying information in the document. Submitting through this site will enable the editors to locate your name with your work after pieces have been read.
If you would like feedback or grammatical assistance with your written entries before submission, please visit a writing tutor at the Zoghby Learning Commons (